Apple Transcription new team member helps strengthen evolving client base

Natalie Seviour’s childhood career aspirations have taken on a new significance since joining as the latest member to Apple Transcription’s team.

The administration manager sees her role of helping prepare PACE and bodycam transcriptions as a full-circle moment back to her early ambitions of joining the police.

After a varied career as a typist, which has included working as a legal secretary at a global law firm and a personal assistant to an orthopaedic surgeon, Natalie’s appointment forms part of the firm’s investment into streamlining client services.

Previously working as a freelancer for Apple Transcription in 2021, she is excited to re-join the company at a time where it is rapidly expanding the sectors it works within, including deciphering bodycam recordings.

She said: “A lot has changed in just a short space of time for the business, with it now increasingly dealing with criminal footage and police interviews.

“Not only is it brilliant to support the team in producing this incredibly complex work,

but it’s great to see that the company is forward-thinking and actively responding to industry demands.

“In school, I always wanted to work as part of the mounted police, so being able to play even a small part in this field is really rewarding. After a career working across a variety of sectors, it feels like I’ve come full circle.

“Everyone has been so welcoming and supportive, and I can’t thank them enough for their continued guidance as I’ve settled in.”

As part of the role, Natalie will be responsible for proofing transcripts, managing its client portal, dealing with new enquires, and processing invoices.

Apple Transcription co-director Dorothy Roberts said: “Welcoming back Natalie in the position of administration manager has been superb and she has settled in perfectly.

“Having her on board with significant experience as a medical and legal typist, mixed in with her passion for police transcription makes her a fantastic addition and key part of our sustainable growth.

“Our people are so talented, and we are always keen to shape job roles in ways that work best for them, as well as creating new positions based on how our business is evolving.”

Apple Transcription handles vast amounts of data that includes highly sensitive police interviews, bodycam footage and court recordings, and operates in sectors including legal, medical, law, public sector, and retail.

Co-director Christine Vaughan added: “Natalie’s appointment will help strengthen our clients’ experiences, and she is a prime example of a hardworking team player, with a willingness to learn, and a passion for the way the industry is developing.”

For more than a decade, the company has retained its International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) 9001 Quality and 27001 Data Security certifications, in addition to its Cyber Essentials accreditation.

Contact the Apple Transcription team here to find out more.